Given the fast-changing panorama in the “mainstream media (MSM),” which has worked hard to divide and conquer humanity by purposefully encouraging opposing viewpoints, there are many who have experienced devastating rifts between family and friends for having come to their conclusions about what they are being faced with by the media - and citizen journalists, whistle-blowers and professional journalists and podcasters unaffiliated with the MSM daily.

These huge rifts and the resulting bifurcation of the masses have led many to experience feelings of betrayal, extreme anger, and despair. Many feel these feelings so profoundly and have experienced such devastation in their lives as a result that they cannot believe that they can move past them and reunite with their family, friends, or loved ones affected by the rifts.

I am here to tell you that you can move beyond that and heal yourself and the rifts. And I am here to help you do that.

Once underlying issues are resolved, it is possible to move beyond anger. Many people face cognitive dissonance today due to the theatre of the absurd in the MSM.

In this fast-paced, ever-shifting reality, as we move through 4D, the underlying reality that is surfacing is that the institutions and organizations we were “taught” to rely on are operating under nefarious, even heinous, agendas.

These realizations slowly create a wave of collective cognitive dissonance that is palpable to all - especially empaths. The power keg is about to blow, and we will all have to pick up the pieces, deal with the anger and grief after the event, and learn to carry on once it does.

How, you ask?

One cannot overcome the mind with the mind. One cannot liberate oneself from the ego with the ego. One cannot try to liberate oneself, for liberation becomes a mirage. The closer you try to get to it, it disappears and reappears further down the road.

The answer is intuitive counselling and support, followed by the Unity Bubble and Unity Living Process. Once completed, graduating the ego and repurposing its energy. You will have an ego as long as you are in a human body. If it is constantly being triggered into an anger response (from a pre-agreed to a set of circumstances), the result will be lots and lots of angry outbursts and a quiet rage stoking the fire of one’s existence.

There is hope if you are open and willing to receive it!

This Session may turn into more than one, depending on your needs, which we will explore together.

Booking Your Beyond Anger & Grief + the Unity Bubble Session

STEP 1. Complete the form below. I will email you so we can find a time that works for you and talk about any questions you may have about your session.

STEP 2. Proceed to the PayPal link below to complete the payment process. The fee for this session is CAN$150, or whatever donation you would like to make. If you want more than one session, every session after the initial one, the fee is CAN$100.

Sessions are via Zoom and last 90 minutes. You will receive an audio recording of your Session.

Your Joy and Freedom Await!

You may reschedule once within 48 hours of your Session. No refunds will be issued.