I offer Past-Life Regression and Soul Contract Clearing.
Spoiler Alert:
Of significant note is the fact that, to date, these explorations have been hijacked by the imperial, nefarious matrix masters, who have been duping and redirecting Souls (not only through an unnecessary reincarnation wheel to repeat senseless suffering for their sustenance) but also those seeking knowledge of past lives.
The “akashic records” are another false matrix that redirects those seeking knowledge of past lives or the dissolution of destructive soul contracts to see what “they” want the individual to see, not the truth. This would benefit them tremendously and liberate them from all the destructive soul contracts we all carry from birth—and beyond.
My Past-Life Regression and Soul Contract Clearing Sessions are based on that understanding and, therefore, break through to the truth so that the truth is ultimately revealed to them and they become truly liberated from all nefarious soul contracts.
About Soul Contract Clearing
For millennia, intuitives and healers have recognized that the astral plane is filled with souls trapped within it. These souls must continue to fulfill the conditions of the soul contracts they made, consciously or unconsciously, during their earthly incarnations. This often includes "stirring the pot " or interfering in the lives of others—just like yours.
Throughout your countless incarnations, you have created billions of soul contracts. Unless you have cleared them already, likely, many of these contracts are still active and affecting your life negatively in various ways.
Using the “ASH Process,” I can help clear your negative soul contracts, transforming them to “ash.” This way, you will no longer be interfered with on the Earth plane by unfavourable contract and agreement holders, whether they are currently embodied in human form or trapped in the astral plane. This process is beneficial not only for you but also for those souls currently trapped, as many of them cannot continue their evolutionary path or ascend while bound by their previous contracts.
Many of the contracts made by them—and by you—across all space-time continuums were designed to deceive humanity into agreeing to re-enter Earth’s “reincarnation recycling and suffering” program. This program emerged during the time of Pharaoh Akhenaten when the Egyptian priesthood became corrupted by the Anunnaki, whose dark agenda was aimed at enslaving humanity. One of their methods of enslavement involved binding souls to contracts that forced them to be recycled back into the Earth realm to endure lives filled with duality, fear, ill health, trauma, violence, poverty, or some combination thereof.
If a life of poverty was avoided, it was often replaced by one of depravity, lacking a solid spiritual foundation, where imposed religious doctrines were devised to deceive, control, and manipulate humanity, instilling fear in people's hearts. This period also marked the beginning of the blood cult that we, as Starseeds and Light Workers, strive to eradicate today.
This is a Free Will Universe
In our Free Will Universe, our free will has been unjustly hijacked by those who seek to control, manipulate, and dominate humanity to fulfill their dark agendas. We have all been misled into agreeing to countless malevolent soul contracts and agreements designed to keep humanity trapped in a cycle of suffering and death.
By terminating these unfavourable soul contracts and agreements and exercising your free will, the Universe must comply, as you are a Sovereign Entity and a beloved aspect of Creation. Not only will this free you from a cycle of suffering and harmful interference, but it will also liberate all your family, ancestors, and contract holders from their soul contracts with you. Consequently, they, too, will be free to move beyond the astral plane, which currently confines them in its overcrowded energetic space.
*NOTE: During the Soul Contract Clearing Session, your higher self is brought forward to determine which contracts are negative and need to be dissolved, and which are positive and aligned with your soul's growth. Your higher self will not interfere with any contracts or agreements that are deemed to be positive.
After the clearing process, you will likely feel clearer, lighter, and more "in the flow." You will also experience faster manifestation because you will no longer be hindered by numerous unseen negative forces and influences.*
Please complete the form below to book your Soul Contract Clearing Session. I will then email you to schedule a time that works for you. The fee for your 90-minute Soul Contract Clearing Session is USD$111.
Please use the PayPal link below to make a payment before your Session.
You will receive an audio recording of your Session within 48 hours of completion.