Welcome to “THE LIGHT”
Cosmic Musings... and Flat Earth. REALLY??
First of all, if you are subscribed to “THE LIGHT” Newsletter, a very special welcome to you and I hope to get a newsletter out every 17th of the month, so please keep a look out. Otherwise, here are some general cosmic musings and a bit about flat Earth. Yup! Flat Earth. Curious? Read on!
As divine, awakened Souls, we share a common, multi-fold humanitarian and spiritual mission: To reawaken and reactivate our Divine authentic Self, help elevate humanity’s collective consciousness and raise Earth’s vibration. This, especially now, in this pivotal and thrilling ascension time.
And what is of utmost importance in this ascension time is to meet it with the cleanest slate possible. That means doing the Work to process our residual trauma, regrets and misconstrued conclusions from past events.
It also means forgiving oneself and others for all perceived wrong-doings against us that have culminated in deep-seated feelings of betrayal, abandonment and lack of trust.
These low vibrational feelings translate into low-Self worth and Self-esteem (which are different, TBD in a future article) and can be crippling to any awakening Soul desiring to live an abundant and “effortless” life. As such, I encourage you to do the Work if you haven’t already. Forgiveness is key.
That said, let’s explore something fun now.
Flat Earth. Really??
A couple of weeks ago, I heard a very prominent “truther” announce, most vehemently, that Earth is flat. They said it with such conviction that it felt like if I were to contradict them, I’d be proving myself a complete idiot.
Let’s just say, the notion of Earth being flat got under my skin and I needed to do some critical thinking around it to figure out why.
The topic came up again a few days later during a conversation with a like-hearted friend, which sealed the need for some introspection on the matter, as neither of us could come up with a solid answer. ("Solid" is a clue here!)
Why? Because there have been so many lies and deceptions perpetrated on humanity, it’s hard to know up from down, never mind what’s true and what isn’t, and our discretionary abilities seem to have been bred out of us.
Verily, we have been programmed from infancy to accept whatever "authority" tells us to be true, not to question, and most importantly, not make waves.
The second we raised our hands to question the status quo, they got slapped (or worse) and we were called “conspiracy theorists”. BTW, there are no such things as "conspiracy theories". There are "conspiracy FACTS." But I digress...
Getting back on track here...
Having woken from the deliberate and relentless programming of humans, for me, critical thinking now means not only researching credible resources. It also means contacting my higher self and my guides (who, for some time now are the Melchizedek) for some good ol’ fashioned counsel via channelling.
Before we get to the channelling, here are a few ideas for you to consider:
Well, yes, Mr. E = mc2 did say that. And I have to admit that, as of late, my rebel genes get activated the moment I see an agency or institution touting “facts”.
Let’s explore…
🌎 NASA. Do you believe a thing they say or have been saying? Massive psyops in my opinion. Check your intuition; I feel you’ll find I'm not wrong.
🌎 The Flat Earth Society had over 3,000 members in the 90s until their headquarters burned down in a suspicious fire.
🌎 Absolutely not our favourite individual, even remotely, Herr Hitler, is said to have reported seeing the massive ice wall at the edge of the Earth on a trip he made to Antarctica. We know he was there, for a fact, overseeing the work the Nazis were doing developing their anti-gravity Bell craft. Who knows; maybe that's how he was able to have a "room with a view” over Antarctica.
🌎 Admiral Byrd was there too. If you read the book of his accounts, it’s so convincing, you’ll be scratching your head, just like me, I promise you.
🌎 And what exactly is the “firmament”? Definitely not an organic aspect of the atmosphere, IMO. However, I do suspect it's part of the flat earth construct.
Channeled Info Received by RaDa, November 3, 2021
“Flat Earth is a psyop. Because when you get taken up, you always see it as round. (Which is true; In every one of my direct experiences off-world , I do see the Earth as round, and it is magnificent! But I digress…)
That said, it is also a hologram, so it may be interpreted both ways.
At the end of the day, it's hollow, with plenty of different folk living inside. With a second sun. Many environments. Many layers of existence.
The further you go in, time changes, just as it does the further you go without.
Inside, they've been at 6D and higher, which has helped propel the surface existence in its Ascension.
All inhabitants will merge as Earth transitions, as it must be so.
And we, who are here from before, will merge with who we are from then, which is the future to us now.
The time has come for all who are of Gaia become Aria...
Which means “LIFE FORM”... A more evolved version.
Changes are imminent.
Remember who you are.
We see you, we are you, you are us; we are victorious in our execution of the plan Our One Infinite Creator sanctioned.
We all heard the call and answered.
We fell on our swords to become weak, frightened; a fractal of ourselves...
The time is upon you all, dear brothers and sisters of the light.
Prepare as you have for millenia. You are ready now.
Exaudi Deo in Gloria (Hear God The Glory)
Once again, Welcome to “THE LIGHT”
As RaDa, I'm doing what I can to help heal and awaken as many Divine Awakening Souls as I can through my Energy and Ascension work.
I am also doing everything I can to bring awareness to as many as I can so that together we can rouse the sleeping into the final action required to change the current status quo and make this Earth the paradise it was always meant to be before it fell into the hands of those who have zero regard for humanity, but to use us for food and to rape the Earth of its precious resources.
I am doing “what I aught to do”, not just “what I feel like doing”, as a self-declared Sovereign Being, and here is a direct message to you from me:
Please, exercise the freedom you still have and DO WHAT YOU AUGHT. As the Powerful Divine Awakening Soul, Starseed, Lightworker and/or Empath you are, and Meditating and setting the intention for the New Earth to come into existence is one of those things.
Why? Because the only way we will ever make it happen is TOGETHER.
There's no more time to waste if we are going to turn this world around and make it a place that radiates beauty, peace and harmony, and is a safe haven for ALL; especially our babes and future generations to come. Let's start by making it our intention that we are already here...
Welcome to the New Earth. Let's start building it back together, one positive thought and Meditation at a time!
This powerful, 15 Minute "I AM" and NEW EARTH Mantra Guided Meditation that I wrote and recorded a few months ago will assist you to put your intention forward to manifest a beautiful, peaceful, FREE and THRIVING 5D Earth that we are currently co-creating with all of humanity, the animal kingdom, the flora and fauna, the insects, and yes, with every molecule in existence, and with each and every intention we put forward that this be so.
Remember: You have to see it to create it, not believe it when you see it!
Thank you for subscribing to the RaDa Lightwork Monthly Newsletter, “THE LIGHT”. Feel free to pass along and share this information with others.
I bid you Godspeed in your Lightwork, and I look forward to working with you, or continuing working with you, to heal, remove all restrictions and blockages so you can fully ReAwaken and ReActivate your Divine Authentic Starseed, Lightworker, Awakening Precious Self!
Blessings abound to you…
💫 ⭐️ 💜 🙏🏼 🦋 🌎 🦋 🙏🏼 💜 ⭐️ 💫