The Unity Bubble itself is a permanent, unique-to-each-recipient, 8th Dimensional, energetic-gift-in-spherical-form that works symbiotically with each Recipient’s Soul to gradually facilitate:

1. The healing of conscious and subconscious trauma and faster processing of grief and highly stressful situations; 2. The clearing of deeply ingrained restrictions and limitations in the form of layers of familial, cultural and dualistic programming; 3. The removal of self-deprecating and self-sabotaging behaviours, addictions and inner resistances; and 4. The gradual healing of core abandonment, betrayal or lack of trust issues; the underlying causes of most human affliction and suffering.

Once transmitted, your Unity Bubble becomes a loving, protective barrier against unseen negative energetic influences and spiritual attacks. It can also be tuned to resist the effects of other contaminants.

After you receive the Unity Bubble during your Initial Session, you will be guided on how to work with it to derive maximum benefit. You will learn how to release challenging emotions to your unique UNITY Bubble and feel them processed far more quickly and immediately with your UNITY Bubble’s assistance than when processing alone.

The Divine Unity Bubble is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience an immediate boost in awareness and dimensionality that will last a lifetime - and beyond.

Many have reported an immediate increase in IQ and “awareness.” Many have also reported a sense of being in a higher vibration as the Unity Bubble will create a permanent atmosphere for you of your “home” density. That means that if you are from 6D, your Unity Bubble will surround you in a 6D frequency 24/7.

Others report the virtually immediate release of deep-seated emotions, which makes them feel instantly “freer” and “lighter.”

The Divine Unity Bubble will not support negativity, whether within or without it. Negative situations or relationships will disappear as more positive and highly beneficial ones replace them.

Below is a detailed list of what your Divine Unity Bubble Transmission Session will entail.


The following is what you can expect to receive during your Unity Bubble Transmission Session with me:

1. A 90 Minute Session including:

  • An In-Depth Look at the Initial Questionnaire you were asked to fill out when you booked your Session so we can make a detailed action plan in the future that will address all your needs and goals;

  • The energetic transmission of your unique Unity Bubble will be offered to you once the Initial Questionnaire Overview has been completed. For the balance of your Session, you will receive;

  • A Landmark Vision that I will channel directly for you from the Melchizedek realm, which will offer a representation of the energetic changes you can look forward to;

  • Intuitive Counselling, where we delve deeper into the meaning behind the messages brought forward in the channelling;

  • An In-depth Explanation of everything you need to know about your Unity Bubble, how it offers 24/7 protection against any negative energetic influences or energies, and how to work directly with it to assist you in processing feelings and emotions that will arise for the possibility of clearing post-transmission. This is also a chance to answer any questions you may have answered.

2. 4 Additional Guided Meditations in digital format that I have specifically created for my Unity Bubble Clients (approximately one hour long each), that will significantly assist you as you work more and more closely with your Unity Bubble going forward.

As a Master Unity Bubble Facilitator, it will be my honour and pleasure to offer you your unique Unity Bubble and guide you through the process of working with it so you can fully benefit from all that it has to offer!

To book your Unity Bubble Transmission Session, please complete the form below.


To book your Unity Bubble Transmission Session, please complete the form below by clicking on the provided link. I will then email you so we can find a mutually convenient time for your Session and discuss any questions you may have before it.

This Session is via Zoom or in person and lasts 60-90 minutes. You will receive an audio recording of your Session.

Please see my fee policy and arrange payment or donation using the PayPal link below before your session.

Your Unity Bubble Transmission awaits!