A Great Gift to Humanity
The following is a CGI animation and brief overview of some of the astounding attributes of the Divine UNITY Field. Since its inception in 2009, thousands of individuals have been astonished by the outcomes they have achieved using this benevolent technology, including healing trauma, protecting one’s field from outside negative influences, attaining Self-actualization and assisting in humanity’s ascension.
It’s all possible with the Divine UNITY Field.
Produced and edited by Benoît Carpent. Voiced by RaDa.

Welcome, Divine Awakening Soul!
As Divine Awakening Souls on the Ascension Path; Starseeds, Divine Travellers, Lightworkers, and Empaths alike, we share a common humanitarian and spiritual mission: To ReAwaken and ReActivate our Divine Authentic Self, help elevate humanity’s Collective Consciousness, and raise Earth’s vibration, especially now, in this pivotal and thrilling time in Earth’s history: The Ascension.
Have you always felt “different”, like you don’t fit in and have suffered because of it? Wondering what your life’s purpose is and what exactly you are doing here on Earth? Would you like to understand the very nature of Creation and your vital place in the grand scheme of things? Are you looking for answers to questions like these to no avail?
Ascension is upon us. In fact, we are in the midst of it. As such, what is of greatest importance is that you are able to meet it with the clearest emotional. psychological and spiritual slate possible; That means processing residual trauma, regrets and misconceptions from past life events. It also means forgiving yourself and others of all perceived wrong-doings against you that culminated in deep-seated feelings of betrayal, abandonment and/or lack of trust. This translates into low-Self worth and can be crippling to any Awakening Soul desiring to live a full, abundant and “effortless” life on Earth.
In January 2013, we moved into the timeline of the promised return of Christ Consciousness and the externalization of the Cosmic Christos UNITY Consciousness that is now rehabilitating the organic ‘God-Sovereign-Free, I AM Consciousness’ Ascension Timeline, created for the preservation of human sovereignty. Why is this of great importance here? Practicing UNITY Consciousness activates the Inner Light of Christos, that actualized in form, is the embodiment of the Eternal God Human. This, as Jesus himself said, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do”, is clearly an achievable goal.
The Divine UNITY Field as a “Christed” Healing and Ascension Tool
The greatest gift to humanity since The Law of ONE, and, in the opinion of many who have experienced it, the best kept secret in the multi-verse, the 8th dimensional Devine UNITY Field tool was brought into existence by a collective of Higher Beings, including God the Father; Archangel Michael; The Solar Logos; the Order of Melchizedek Priests; Jesus the Christ (having originated from the Life-Stream of the Order of Melchizedek as a Living Presence of the Greater Consciousness, also known as Christ Consciousness); Mother Mary; Pan; Mother Gaia; and the Council of Grandmothers and Grandfathers, who identified themselves as “UNITY” - and an 8th Dimensional, Incarnate Melchizedek Being on Earth, in the form of a man by the name of Jonathan C.R. Davies.
With the express purpose of ending mankind’s suffering, and ushering in the arrival of the “New Human”, it is the “Christed” aspect of the Divine UNITY Field ascension tool that is possibly its most significant. Jesus’ main focus was Self Mastery as a way to end suffering on a personal level, and it was therefore his express desire that the Divine UNITY Field tool be imbued with the 3 elements of the Christ Consciousness: 1. The development of the unconditional compassionate heart; 2. The aspiration to be the highest that one can be while remaining in the unconditional compassionate heart in every moment and under any circumstance; and 3. To fulfil the measure of one’s creation and of one’s being, otherwise known as “Self actualization”, which ultimately leads one to a life of Service to Others: the greatest joy a Soul can experience while incarnate. It is then, at this time of Self-actualization, that the “new human”, with its Soul fully embodied within, is born.
A More Practical Perspective
The Divine UNITY Field also works symbiotically with each Recipient to gradually facilitate 1. The healing of conscious and subconscious trauma and faster processing of grief and highly-stressful situations; 2. The clearing of deeply ingrained restrictions and limitations in the form of layers of familial, cultural and dualistic programming; 3. The removal of self-deprecating and self-sabotaging behaviours, addictions and inner resistances; and 4. The gradual healing of core abandonment, betrayal or lack of trust issues; the underlying causes of most human affliction and suffering. Once transmitted, your Divine UNITY Field also becomes a loving, protective barrier against unseen negative energetic influences and spiritual attacks. It can also be tuned to resist the effects of other contaminants.
I am RaDa.
Never before in humanity’s history, and at this great time of Planetary Ascension, has there ever been a more critical and beneficial time to Heal, ReAwaken and ReActivate your Divine Authentic Self. Whether your ultimate goal is to Self-actualize or to remove resistances and programmed behaviours or addictions, heal trauma, obtain energetic protection from negative influences, or further cultivate your Christ Consciousness Compassion, your unique Divine UNITY Field will help you achieve those goals.
During my 60+ years on Earth, as an Andromedan Starseed and Ascension Lightworker, I have always been “different”, making this 3D exploration extremely difficult to thrive within - without proper assistance. I am eternally grateful that I was mentored through the UNITY Living Process by my Melchizedek Master Teacher, Jonathan C.R. Davies, originator of The Divine UNITY Field; and from 2018 to 2021 gained authorization as a Master Level UNITY Living Facilitator.
Your time is NOW.
It’s time to find out how your “different” can be your greatest asset and attribute, and to Heal, ReAwaken and ReActivate your Divine Authentic Self!
Are you ready?
Praise for RaDa
“Miraculous. Unexpected. Profound. Immediate.
A lifetime of physical, and emotional traumas left me restricted by pain, and fatigue.
After the first session I enjoyed immediate relief from pain, and stiffness whilst enjoying improved stamina.
Before the Unity Field I could only manage, on a good day, my laundry, making my bed, and bathing. Almost immediately after joining the Unity Field I spent an entire afternoon in the garden including being up-and-down the ladder trimming hedges, and absent pain that evening.
My relationship with loved ones too has greatly improved. Just wow. Thank you for I again enjoy what life offers.”
- Gwendolyn of ON, Canada
Praise for RaDa
“I recently went through a massive awakening and divorce while the world was in severe pandemic lockdown. It was one of the hardest experiences I've ever had. I felt depressed, anxious, and unclear about my life--from big life choices to small daily tasks. The Starseed Trauma Healing process took me through a deep transmutation of old beliefs, paradigms and helped me release the programming that I had been living with since childhood. By the time I got to the healing phase of the process, life started to come together in synchronistic ways; I found my perfect apartment, settled the divorce, and started making real friends that were truly there for me. In the end, I gained absolute clarity as to WHO I really am. This has been FREEDOM. This is a must-do process.”
- Jemma Sinclaire, Ontario, Canada
Gerry Cassidy of Whitby, ON, Canada shared:
Just 3 hours after receiving his Devine UNITY Field, Gerry, who had had a stroke a year before and was only able to walk with the assistance of a cane, shared, “MIRACLES ARE HAPPENING. MY BACK SHIFTED. My knee and leg are loosening up. I’m ready to do my happy dance! 1,000 THANK YOU’S. BLESS YOU.” 3 weeks later he was walking without the assistance of his cain.
After his 4th Devine UNITY Field Protocol, about 5 months into the Process, Gerry shared, “Right now, I feel like anything is possible. I have never felt so confident; I feel like a different man, like i’m the lead actor in It’s a Wonderful Life. It’s like having my own magic Genie, you know, where your wish is your command?! It all started (3 months ago) when I fell in love with my life!
Veronika El, Winnipeg, MA, Canada, shared:
“I first met RaDa when a past colleague asked me to transcribe a channeling session he had with her. I was stunned as I listened to the recording; I felt I was experiencing an event comparable to Jane Roberts channeling Seth. After witnessing many more channeled sessions with RaDa, I stand by that comparison.
I then started doing the Devine Unity Field work with her and was further amazed by her abilities. Not only is she a gifted channeller, she is also a very gentle guide on the path to transformation.
For me, the Devine Unity Field work has been a profoundly cathartic process; my life has truly never been the same. I was challenged to give up the false illusion of the self and to let go of the pain and limitations I have been carrying and unable to let go.
I am not going to say it has all been easy and without pain, but on the other end of it, I have walked out closer to the truth of who I am and who I want to be than ever before.
RaDa has always been there to cheer me up and provide wise counsel whenever I needed to be lifted up. She always made me feel safe and supported, and I will be forever grateful for having met her.”