I have been offering free Guided Meditations that ‘work’, on ‘subject matters that matter most,’ for almost 10 years, here, on YouTube:

My Guided Meditations will help you get into, and stay in meditation with ease, so you can reset your mind and body, and instantly benefit from the abundant and scientifically irrefutable benefits meditation has to offer.

Links to some of my Guided Meditations are below for your convenience. There are more on the YouTube Channel listed above.

Together, let’s cultivate balanced, abundant, healthy, co-creative and conscious lives, and continue building a united, global culture that advocates deep healing, self-transformation, compassion and well-being, on all levels, through the power of meditation.

As always, happy meditating!


  • This 15-minute, beautiful, nurturing and loving ‘Expressing Love and Gratitude’ Guided Meditation' will help you get centred in your heart, the place from which all goodness and manifestation flows. Through feeling and expressing love and gratitude, or “Lovitude”, we are able to experience the nature of our true selves, which is none other than love, and lay the foundation for whatever we choose to manifest in our lives, be it love (in any of its many forms), any form of abundance, or the fulfillment of any positive desire or outcome. Let this Guided Meditation take you on a journey into your heart and lay the foundation for a day filled with positive outcomes as you feel and internally express your "Lovitude".

  • This powerful Guided Meditation will allow you to connect with the highest and purest vibrations available in order to help you ground your "I AM" Presence into the New Earth, 5D Template, during this time of planetary ascension, as we move into the Golden Age. It will also assist you to put your intention forward for a beautiful, peaceful and thriving 5D New Earth, that we will co-create with all of humanity, Gaia and Father/Mother God/Creator. Repeat it every day to help ground you in your heart, in your sovereignty, and in your "I AM" Presence. A special thanks to Michelle Fielding, Spiritual Coach, for bringing the “I AM” Mantra to my attention.


The internet is flooded with manifestation Guided Meditations. What sets this one apart from the rest is that it's about changing your perspective. And it works! And it will help you understand that no matter what anyone has ever said about manifesting abundance, we can no more directly control outcomes than we can redirect lightning. We can, however, be open to receiving the abundance meant for our greatest good, which is our birthright, and which is limitless! In order to do this we must first become conscious of negative thought patterns which make up +/-80% of our thoughts. Becoming self-aware through meditation and self-observation is key to curbing the negative thought patterns that block abundant outcomes. This Guided Meditation will help you overcome the negative thought patterns that block the magnificent abundance that is patiently waiting for you to claim it in all areas of your life!


This 30-minute, beautiful, nurturing and loving ‘Expressing Love and Gratitude’ Guided Meditation' will help you get centred in your heart, the place from which all goodness and manifestation flows. Through feeling and expressing love and gratitude, or “Lovitude”, we are able to experience the nature of our true selves, which is none other than love, and lay the foundation for whatever we choose to manifest in our lives, be it love (in any of its many forms), any form of abundance, or the fulfillment of any positive desire or outcome. Let this Guided Meditation take you on a journey into your heart and lay the foundation for a day filled with positive outcomes as you feel and internally express your "Lovitude".


As of November, 2020, Christ Consciousness was, once again, seeded firmly in our collective consciousness as the primary energy, both contributing to, and co-creating the great planetary liberation currently underway on Earth. With the re-seeding of this highest and purest of energies, we can now unify our consciousness by grounding ourselves fully in the Christ Consciousness, and thereby assist our global, collective society and contribute to our beloved planet's great awakening and ascension. This Christ Consciousness Guided Meditation has, at its core, an exploration of faith, love and being, including the declaration of one's sovereignty from any mortal law and the denial of the belief in any form of negativity whatsoever, including sickness, as it is "false" and cannot have power over anyone. It is an excerpt from a book by the name of Practical Healing for the Mind and Body, written by Jane W. Yarnell in 1891. It is as relevant today as it was then. A forward thinker, Yarnell wrote, "It has been very wisely and truly said that 'Ignorance of truth is the cause of all misery'. This was the inspired utterance of Gautama Buddha, five hundred years before Jesus, who said, 'Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free'." This powerful 22 Minute Guided Meditation will assist you to ground yourself in the Christ Consciousness - as well as put you deep into your heart space - as it inspires you and helps you raise your energy and frequency to resonate with that of the Christ Consciousness itself. Yarnell believed deeply that it was through deepening our understanding and raising our consciousness through 21st Century Thought that we can uplift our souls and resonate with the frequency of the Christ Consciousness.

THE LORD’S PRAYER IN ARAMAIC - 15 Minute Interview

This Guided Meditation is a spoken version of the Lord's Prayer in the original Aramaic language, as it would have been communicated to us by Yeshua, or Jesus the Christ, Himself, during his lifetime on Earth. There is a thoughtful line-by-line translation in English offered after the Aramaic phrases so you can contemplate the deepest understanding of the Aramaic version. Repeat it every day to help ground you in the Christ Consciousness, or whenever you want to elevate your heart to the realms of pure love and bliss; the seat of the ALL THAT IS and the ONE Infinite Creator.


The internet is flooded with manifestation GM’s. What sets this one apart from the rest is that it's about changing your perspective, and it works - and it will help you understand that no matter what anyone has ever said about manifesting abundance, we can no more directly control outcomes than we can redirect lightning. We can, however, be open to receiving the abundance meant for our greatest good, which is our birthright and is limitless! In order to do this we must first become conscious of negative thought patterns which make up +/-80% of our thoughts. Becoming self-aware through meditation and self-observation is key to curbing the negative thought patterns that block abundant outcomes. This GM will help you overcome the negative thought patterns that block the magnificent abundance that is patiently waiting for you to claim it in ALL areas of your life!


This 60 Minute, deep dive, Breathing and Inspiration Guided Meditation, links the breath with "inspiration", which is, in fact, another word for breathing. Relax and slip into a heightened state of awareness, and be more open and able to receiving inspiration and guidance from your higher self through the magic of your own breath. Here's a brief excerpt from the Guided Meditation: "Human beings breathe in oxygen in order to live and give off carbon dioxide in order for plants to live. In this symbiosis, plants, humans and animals co-exist in a 'give and take' process known as 'mutualism'. Another term for breathing is 'inspiration'. The word 'inspiration', from the Latin word 'inspirare', means 'to breathe into'. Today we know the act of being inspired can occur at any moment and be applied to any aspect of life, be it a creative or work endeavor. If you afford your mind the space it needs to become filled with inspiration, much as you do when you breathe and allow your lungs to be filled with air, true inspiration can occur."


Want to feel stronger, more resilient, like you can handle anything that comes your way? This 15 Minute Guided Meditation on Building Resilience will help you more easily adapt positively to changes, challenges and any adversity that may come up for you. As one of the most vital coping skills for surviving in the workplace, at school, or anywhere in the world, and at any stage of life, resilience enables us to be more flexible, more adaptable and far better able to cope with whatever life may throw our way. Resilience is a learned behaviour and can be improved with regular practice and meditation, much like learning a sport or learning to play a musical instrument. Cultivating your meditation practice helps build the ability to quiet the mind during times of adversity with a calm assertiveness, enhanced emotional agility and cognitive flexibility, to build deeper and deeper levels of resilience within yourself. This Guided Meditation was originally written for college and university students, but it's not just for them: It's for anyone who wants to strengthen their "core" resolve and become stronger, more resilient, and have a coping tool at-the-ready to assist them when times get rough. This Guided Meditation involves a tree, some mountains and a storm. Spoiler alert! The tree remains standing strong and even more resilient to the storms that continually try its resolve and constitution.