The Unity Living Process was created by Melchizedek Incarnate Jonathan C. R. Davies and a collective of Higher Beings who identified themselves as “Unity.” Jonathan’s life partner, Hazel Davies, continues this work today, as do 50+ UNITY Living Facilitators worldwide.
Hazel's work includes continuing to transmit the Unity Bubble to others and developing a system to authorize facilitators worldwide to transmit the Divine UNITY Field to others. As such, new UNITY Living Facilitators are being authorized in ever-increasing numbers.
There are 3 Levels of Unity Living Facilitators:
Level 1 Unity Living Facilitators: Able to transmit the Unity Bubble only to others;
Level 2 Unity Living Facilitators: Able to offer the Unity Bubble and Unity Living Process to others;
Master Unity Living Facilitators: Able to do all of the above and authorize new Unity Living Facilitators.
As one of 11 Master Unity Living Facilitators Worldwide, I can guide you through the entire Unity Living Process and assist you in potentially becoming a Unity Living Process Facilitator.
If you are drawn to or would like to learn more about this highly gratifying and sacred Work, please fill out the form below to contact me directly and discuss it.
The prerequisite for this Training and Certification is completing the Unity Living Process. Please indicate what Level of Certification you are interested in and why you would like to become a Unity Living Facilitator.
I will get back to you within 24-48 hours.