The 1+7 Unity Living Process transmissions are composed of the following: 1. “The Unity Bubble,” 2. “The Flow,” 3. “Breaking the Bonds,” 4. “The Sacred Garden,” 5. “The Open Heart,” 6. “The Anti-Angst,” 7. “Into Service” and 8. “Effortless Living.”

Each transmission becomes more profound, offering cumulative awareness through specific and uniquely designed energetic and frequency components. Each component assists you in your journey of self-exploration and profound healing, energetically paving the way to reawakening your Divine, authentic Self and uncovering the truth of your purpose on Earth.

The Unity Living Process guides one from the restricted and resistant intellectual realm to the expansive and infinite realm of consciousness, where one can begin to feel and act from the heart without resistance or interference, culminating in a deep acceptance of one’s Self and all beings within the Universe.

Detailed information about each Unity Living transmission can be found below.


Each Unity Living Transmission is a powerful "upgrade" to your Unity Bubble.

The Unity Bubble is the cornerstone of the Unity Living Process, opening the door to profound healing on all physical, emotional, and energetic levels. This perfected, 8th-dimensional, energetic egg-shaped field works harmoniously with each individual’s Higher Self, guiding them at a pace and depth that is appropriate to their unique exploration.

Throughout the vastly transformative 16-week Unity Living Process, as layers of unwanted feelings, emotions, memories, and thoughts reveal themselves, your Unity Bubble will work with you to gently and permanently dissolve them, layer by layer.

This sacred tool supports only positive behaviours, motivations, and intentions that contribute to the evolution of its recipient, humanity, and Consciousness.

Click HERE to learn more about the Unity Bubble.

After receiving your Unity Bubble, you will receive seven additional energetic transmissions, each offered at least two weeks after the previous transmission.


Each Unity Living Transmission is a powerful "upgrade" to your Unity Bubble.


The Flow transmission is designed to help you break through deep-seated subconscious, unconscious, and conscious resistances.

The unconscious mind operates automatically beyond our conscious awareness. Accessing these deeper layers and eliminating ingrained resistances requires the support of an intelligent, energetic entity that lies beyond our conscious awareness. Enter the Unity Bubble.

With the Unity Bubble alone, it was necessary to release whatever came up by saying, “I release this to you, Bubble, with thanks and love.”

With the Flow transmission, you now commit to a deeper level of a release process that operates 24/7 on subconscious and unconscious levels. This facilitates the release of many layers of trauma and resistance that are not accessible to the conscious mind yet still wreak havoc on our being.

That said, whenever something does arise in your conscious awareness that you wish to release, you are encouraged to do so, just as you did before when you first received your Unity Bubble.

You will use this process for the rest of your life as your Unity Bubble is always with you to help you process whatever life throws at you and whatever you co-create with the Universe to experience as part of your exploration on Earth.

The bottom line is there is no reason to suffer unconsciously.

Scientific research has proven that the subconscious mind processes approximately 70 billion bits of information per second. This amount is utterly unmanageable by our conscious mind, which can only process about 17 million (not 70 billion) bits per second. Thus, with its 70 billion bits of information, all that programming is left to run amok in the conscious mind. The flow’s frequency blocks this unmanageable amount, reducing it to what each individual can process without being overwhelmed on a 24/7 basis.

After receiving the Flow transmission, many say they can hear themselves thinking for the first time.

With the Flow transmission, you join your Unity Bubble on a deeper level and declare your readiness to release anything that does not align with your Higher Self and Soul’s path.

This transmission also nurtures a profound connection with your Higher Self - without the interference that you were previously experiencing, thereby empowering you to make conscious choices based on free will.

Fully surrendering to your Higher Self allows you to enter “the flow of your life.” In this Flow, opportunities and growth come quickly and easily, enabling you to manifest your heart's desires while remaining present in every moment.

Each Unity Living Transmission builds on the previous one, leading one to the re-actualization of the Divine authentic Self.


Each Unity Living Transmission is a powerful "upgrade" to your Unity Bubble.


The Breaking the Bonds transmission facilitates the shedding of restrictions and limitations imposed by deeply ingrained societal, cultural, familial, and DNA programming perpetrated upon humanity by those whose nefarious agenda included dumbing down, manipulating, and controlling the masses.

We undergo this consistent programming, which appears as layers of cultural and linguistic “sound bites” in our subconscious mind. These sound bites create preverbal boundaries that we often accept without question or deeper analysis, curtailing our free will and hindering our full expression.

Sound bites form circular "neuron nets," or cyclical mental patterns, that capture our desires and innate genius. These patterns negatively influence our behaviours and emotions, often triggered by external events, and do not reflect our authentic desires, innate truths, or heartfelt intentions. These ingrained, cyclical neural patterns keep individuals from moving forward and embracing abundance. No one is immune, as we are all influenced by the deliberate programming of governments, three-letter agencies, influential corporate leaders and other groups with nefarious global agendas. All these agendas have had a devastating impact on our lives cumulatively. These negatively oriented elements do not serve our Higher Self; they dilute our Divine essence and disrupt our alignment with our true nature. This is where the Breaking the Bonds Protocol shines.

Once infused into your Unity Bubble, the Breaking the Bonds transmission releases an energetic frequency that begins eliminating all sound bites and deeply embedded habitual behaviours, both from this and past lives. Over time, it removes behaviours and restrictions, layer upon layer, until each sound bite is diffused to the deepest subconscious and unconscious levels.

Each Unity Living Transmission builds on the previous one, leading one to the re-actualization of the Divine authentic Self.


Each Unity Living Transmission is a powerful "upgrade" to your Unity Bubble.


The Sacred Garden transmission offers a unique, 8th-dimensional sanctuary to help you balance and integrate all aspects of the Unity Living Work at this time in your Unity Living Process and in perpetuity. Think of your Sacred Garden as a gift that “keeps on giving:” It is yours for the rest of your exploration to use whenever you need to rest, replenish, rejuvenate, restore, balance, integrate, or heal on any level.

You can enjoy time spent in your Sacred Garden, knowing that your Unity Living transformative work continues to balance and ground within you as you do, solidifying positive outcomes and timelines in your life.

All Unity Living transmissions also remain active while you sleep, providing unwavering support on subconscious and unconscious levels.

Step into your unique Sacred Garden sanctuary anytime and stay as long as you desire - for a few minutes, several hours, days, or weeks. Whatever form of nurturing your Soul requires will be offered to you within your regenerative Sacred Garden.

Each Sacred Garden takes the form of something unexpected and thoroughly magical. There’s only one way to find out what yours will look like!

Each Unity Living Transmission builds on the previous one, leading one to the re-actualization of the Divine authentic Self.


Each Unity Living Transmission is a powerful "upgrade" to your Unity Bubble.


The Open Heart transmission embodies the essence of emotional, heart-based balance. Many embrace the principle that “it is better to give than to receive,” often going to great lengths to share their time, energy, and resources with others.

However, if not kept in balance, this generosity of spirit can lead to a depletion of energy and self-care.

The receiving side of the heart resides in the back of the human body. When this area is closed or depleted, the flow of love energy becomes disconnected. The Open Heart transmission invites an energetic alignment that nurtures the perfect balance of giving and receiving in every relationship.

The Open Heart transmission beautifully harmonizes the dynamic masculine aspects of “active, doing” energy with the gentle feminine qualities of “passive and receiving.” It also addresses the need for control, balances human and Divine attributes, and enhances connections with others. It also provides a continuous grounding for the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

With previous Unity Living Transmissions now fully activated, it is safe to open your heart completely. This will allow you to feel secure and comfortable in your vulnerability as you live your life as the pure expression of Divine love that you are.

Each Unity Living Transmission builds on the previous one, leading one to the re-actualization of the Divine authentic Self.


Each Unity Living Transmission is a powerful "upgrade" to your Unity Bubble.


The Anti-Angst transmission helps you develop a profound connection with your Higher Self by clearing away all limitations, including negative thoughts, emotions, feelings, and memories—whether they are conscious, unconscious, or subconscious.

Empaths often use the term “angst” to describe a spiritual struggle characterized by the weight of life's burdens. It involves sensing the collective consciousness both globally and locally. The inability to turn off this heightened sensitivity can lead to increased feelings of distress, especially in today's chaotic world. This spiritual unrest may seem incurable, reflecting the challenge of managing one's innate sensitivity.

However, change is possible through a higher perspective. The Anti-Angst transmission raises your frequency, enabling you to transcend the limitations’s limitations and embrace shifts in perception and subtler transformations.

After receiving the Anti-Angst transmission, you will feel “done with the old ways,” moving away from the confines of the ego and personality. You will experience life from an expansive, “zero point” elevated perspective, perfectly aligned with your Higher Self. This new awareness inspires you to avoid causing harm to anyone or anything while radiating compassion and profound love for all. You become fully integrated and connected to the essence of your being—aligned with your best friend: your Higher Self.

Each Unity Living Transmission builds on the previous one, leading one to the re-actualization of the Divine authentic Self.


Each Unity Living Transmission is a powerful "upgrade" to your Unity Bubble.


The Into Service transmission is fundamentally about how you present yourself to the world, encouraging you to embrace yourself as the “present” or unique, Divine, and authentic gift you agreed to be before arriving on Earth.

This transmission guides you in discovering and fully embodying your Divine authentic Self and the purpose you are meant to fulfill on Earth in this incarnation.

Not everyone is called to the spotlight; some contribute to humanity simply by being their true selves, holding space with their full, I AM Presence.

The Into Service transmission delves into the type of “energetic space” you create and emphasizes the importance of aligning your space with higher energies and Principles.

Remember, everything is constantly changing; nothing remains the same. Your life path will shift and evolve with the circumstances around you. The choice to “go big” or “stay small” belongs to each individual, guided by their situation and Soul’s desire.

As the Into Service transmission unfolds, it inspires an exceptional journey and encourages you to surpass previous expectations. Many at the 6D level graduate to 7D upon completing the Unity Living Process.

This transmission inspires you to act with complete integrity, even when no one is watching. The urge to do what is right will rise naturally from your heart, bringing immense satisfaction in rightful action and a life dedicated to serving others.

Each Unity Living Transmission builds on the previous one, leading one to the re-actualization of the Divine authentic Self.


Each Unity Living Transmission is a powerful "upgrade" to your Unity Bubble.


The Effortless Living transmission is the final transmission of the Unity Living Process. It consolidates and grounds all previous transmissions and ensures the path is open and accessible to obstacles, allowing effortless manifestation to occur consistently in your life. It is also about abundance and joy; you can now live your life in your full power and, as you now fully embody your authentic essence, enjoy all the experiences you previously imagined may be possible.

The Effortless Living transmission will continue to unearth anything that prevents your life from being effortless. It will bring awareness to patterns that have been unavailable to diffuse.

The Unity Living Process allows for a systematic, ongoing unfoldment so issues can continue to be resolved at the deepest levels until there's nothing left to process or resolve.

With this final transmission in your spiritual tool belt, you will have the clarity to address, acknowledge and surrender these dysfunctions in perpetuity.

So, what's stopping you from living an Effortless Life? Absolutely nothing.

This final transmission is your reward for completing the Unity Living Process. Manifesting your perfect life becomes effortless as your vision is clear, unobstructed, and free of interferences and inner resistance. Once again, you are your Divine, Authentic, and extremely powerful Self, in Service to ALL THAT IS.

And what an exceptional, Divine gift that is.

Thank you for completing this vital, Divine work. As we are all ONE, the impact of your energy field on others will assist them in raising and recalibrating their frequency. In short, this is a gift that keeps on giving - in perpetuity.

Welcome to your effortless new way of Being!

Much love to you,
